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Looks really nice ! tidy . I'm envyous of all of you ....All I have so far is the case and stuck on whether to get a 2011 or ivy bridge :fou:
@ MichaelJHuman:
I can't figure out why, but I can only get my 3D Mark 11 score up to about a P9700. With my hardware I should be getting at least 10000 right? Anyone have any answers or suggestions?

@ rufus:
I am by no means a pro, but from what I am gathering the Ivy Bridge is where it's at. The i5-3570K is at a very reasonable price point compared to its Sandy counterpart. The Z77 chipset is pretty badass too.
I noticed that the top (#1 GPU) card runs about 10-15 degrees hotter than the bottom under a load. Playing Crysis 2 that baby gets up to the mid to upper 80s while the lower runs 70 - 75 with the fans in sync at 85% full time. I have a spare blue led 92mm and 120mm fan that I might put to use. What do you guys think about drilling into the clear plastic right at the level of the GPUs and putting another intake fan there? What size should I use? And how much of a pain in the ass are side fans when it comes to accessing the guts? I don't want to sound vain, but it would be a shame to waste the view that the window provides :lol:
I have same issue with top card in my setup. Caused me to lower the bar on my OC attempts, so it would run at a reasonable attempt under full load.

I added a side intake fan, and I saw no evidence it's helping.
Aaah, Heres my favourite thread :)
I've skimmed the last few pages, everyone tidy your cables up!!!!
@Mjh, W/c takes the top card penalty out of the equation if you can consider that?

**Quote of the week**
In this section of the forum you have to spend a little of your time making your
machine at least presentable. Cable Management, Cable Management, and
if no thing else Cable Management. lol **
Damn right :) especially if I'm around hehe,

We live and we learn. lol
I got some flack for the OEM cooler. After a few hours of a not so easy install (complications arose for a few reasons, should have been simpler,) here's the new improved photo with some sort of liquid cooling solution. It does seem a bit whacky, such as when I ran Prime 95, and the temp spiked super high, before it corrected itself (maybe the pump does not always run?

Here's the hardware readout again -
CPU : i7 3770 CPU
Mobo : Asus P8Z77V
Video : Sapphire Radeon 6950x2 (OC to 645 Mhz at stock voltage)
CPU Cooler : Corsair H60?
PSU : COOLER MASTER Silent Pro Gold - 800 Watt
RAM : Corsair Vengeance 2133; 4x4 GB for 16 GB total
60 GB Corsair Force 3 SSD (System drive)
1 TB WD Cavier Black
Windows 7 - 64 bit


have you installed it properly? the pump's header should go on a fan header and be powered at all times, should not be made to follow any profiles in bios.

* follow the link to the watercooling sticky and onto the closed loop cooler section. It should help you out with installation.
Why on the top? It's due to my case. I was not sure it had a front 120mm fan mount. I knew there were two 120mm spots on the top of the case, so I pulled off the 200mm case fan, and put the radiator fan there.

On my list to add a second 120mm aux fan. I have no more fan headers, so I will have to deal with that issue as well before adding another fan.

The pump is connected to chassis fan header 2 and the radiator fan to the CPU fan header like it says on the instructions. I do have Asus' fan utility setup, so I should probably make sure that's not managing chasis fan 2 voltage - good thing to check, thanks.

oh yeah, MJH - if what you mentioned was for only a brief time, then it was the TIM , Shin-etsu taking its "burn-in" time. But if you're seeing this always, the pump will be your point of concern. BTW, and H60 wasn't a good buy IMHO :/

* before investing anymore I suggest you read the watercooling sticky v2->closed loop cooler section
I don't really need better CPU cooling, so if I ended up with a product that was not the best, it's not really a concern to me. I only stuck that cooler in because (a) someone criticized my use of a stock cooler and (b) I had never done a cooler like that before, and wanted to try it out.

My CPU temp seemed to be fine (130F or so) when running Prime 95 with 8 threads, so that's probably good enough. I can't overclock the locked i7 3770 much.

Anyway, hope it looks better with the Corsair cooler. Looks different in any case :) I also re-routed the ATX power cable. That was the real goal - to see if people preferred the revised layout.

One more comment, hopefully not too far off topic. The downside of that top radiator with the fan, is that it blows up to the bottom of my computer desk top, then the air spreads out towards the front, and rises and I can feel heat while working at my PC which I did not have before even though there was a 200mm top mounted fan previously.

I feel I am kind of stuck with that side effect :)

I could always stick an old shirt on top of the PC in front of the air vents to mitigate that effect a bit.

Update here...

I pulled off a Hoosier mod last night by drilling into the viewing window and adding the second 120mm led fan out of a value pack I bought for the build. Instant success. Idle temps on the top primary GPU dropped from mid 40s to mid - upper 30s. I also played Crysis 2 on all ultra blaa blaa blaa for several hours with the fans set on auto 10% increase for every 10 degree increase past 40 and I never got the primary GPU past 80 C. Maybe not the prettiest, but not bad for a first time case mod. I love when poo works out...



Props for the acrylic drilling man, something that always scares the hell out of me hehe,
you could join the drillholes up and remove that section entirely, cover with a grill for safety ofc, may improve the cooling a tad more :)
@Mjh, looking better man, I'm not a fan of fisherprice coolers but that topmount shows ingenuity and adaptability on your part, good modding qualities to have :)
I'm wondering if its possible to mount the rad of those blowing onto the rear of the Cpu,a little added cooling on the back of the chip never hurts, its just whether the tubing will reach around the mobo (bit of modding for the sidepanel as well in most cases)
good job though so far mate :)

Then either turn the fan around on the rad so its expelling the hot air out of the top of the case, or reposition the rad on the 120mm rear facing slot again so its expelling the air out of the case.
**I could always stick an old shirt on top of the PC in front of the air vents to mitigate that effect a bit**
I have an idea for that, I'll link some bits when I get home in the morning mate
*Edit, how much space is there between the top of the Pc and the desk?
Thanks for the nice compliments on my rig! I ended up changing my power supply to match my color scheme more. I also removed an HDD cage completely and moved the other HDD cage closer to the PSU to allow better airflow from the front intake fan. I'm a bit confused on how this new power supply should be though. Videos show it being installed the way I have it with the fan face up. I'm thinking about flipping it face down though. Too lazy to do anything about it right now though :)



Corsair 600T Case
Asus P8Z68 V-LX
Intel i5 2500K
Corsair H60 Cooler
2x4gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3
Evga GTX 670
120GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD
Corsair GS700
Looks nice jaber. I have a GS-800 and am very happy with it thus far, even though it is the "cheap" line of Corsairs. But Corsairs don't make cheap poo even if the poo is less expensive, so we're good. You are gonna get opinions from both sides on the PSU issue, but the way I see it is having the fan face down is the way to go. PSUs are autonomous units with their own cooling, so guess what... with the fan facing up it is sucking heated air right from your super heated GPUs hot space. I guess on the plus it could be considered an option to get some hot air out, but that is not the purpose of your PSU fan. Proper air flow is what those two giant air pushers are for. These bottom PSU cases were designed so the PSU can breath fresh air from outside the case, even if it is only an inch above the floor (or desk). If there is a screen and filter under your PSU, I would use it. Plus the power cables are out of the way with the fan down. I know you want to utilize the cool LEDs that come with the PSU and so do I, but I stuck with the intended design and used it as an excuse to buy more LED case (see my rig pics up the page a piece. Again, nice looking work and good luck with whatever you decide.
Hey thanks for the clarification! I actually don't even use the lights on the PSU so I probably will just flip it and have the fan face down. And I had no idea the GS series were labeled as the cheap brand. It works great. Love Corsair products!
GS is not the cheap line, and Corsair does not make PSUs :) GS line is kind of budget but with bling. The Corsair lines are builder (CX) gamer (GS) enthusiast (TX, HX) and professional (AX).

That is a very pretty build.