Tom's Hardware Superposition Benchmark Thread

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Oct 6, 2015
Noticed that there wasn't a Superposition thread on Tom's. So I'm starting one. The moderators will be sent a Google Drive link to edit the master table to update it when I'm not around or don't have time.

Some rules/notes you should regard and keep in mind before you post:

1. Use standard Nvidia / AMD settings, especially don't tamper with the tesselation settings.
2. Post the screenshot, with both GPUZ and the Superposition window in the same image.
3. The only allowed tweak is overclocking. No driver tweaks please.
4. You can benchmark any preset, but 1080p Extreme is preferred as it will be the result logged
5. Please try to keep a low post count unless you have something important to say. No double+ posts.
6. Fake results will be ignored
7. This thread is community (non-moderator) maintained. Results are not always updated immediately.
8. Feel free to resubmit your score as long as it's 200+ marks above the previous score (usually within 5% of the previous). Any lower than 200 is within margin of error.
[strike]9. You will be notified via PM when your submission has been added to the master GPU chart. If you do not wish to receive a notification, just state so in your post.[/strike]
10. SLI/Crossfire benchmarks are allowed.
11. Video cards that cannot run 1080P Extreme due to memory limits can be run at 1080p Medium, where 35% of that score will be used.
12. Lastly, no fanboying or excessive bragging. Do not say things like "My card is better than yours, Hahaha!" A light competitive attitude is fine, but excessive bragging and purposely bringing down other participants in an overly competitive attitude is not tolerated.

Here's the master results table:



When I was doing runs there really wasn't much difference in scores on my system, sometimes within a point or 2. It was consistent like 4443, 4444, 4445, 4443 etc at stock clocks. So when I started OCing I found it really does takes a lot of difference in clocks to actually make a notable difference in score on my machine. Started turning it up and doing runs until I went over 200+ points, started to become a mission to hit over 200+..... Didn't have to adjust the voltage though so that was good. (No way was I going to bump the voltage)

Superposition is really something, not for the faint at heart or weak GPU's.


Holy shoot. That's better than a stock 1080Ti.

Isn't the 8GB 1080 just a really high-binned 1070? Or are 1070s just low-binned 1080 8GBs?

Yeah, water cooling helps.

Great score really.

Most I can get is 4725 out of mine, well the most I an going to try and get, I posted the results so it's on record.

Yes, there is a big difference between the GTX 1070 and GTX 1080's.


Saw a few scores on the site between 4800 and 5000 and higher with GTX 1080's, crazy clocks though.

I am settling on 2113 and 5940 on mine... Never got hot at all and no voltage messing around, so I am sticking with that.

4725 is fine with me for an air cooled GTX 1080 FTW2. 😀

I just did the power limit mod on my 1070 by shorting the power chokes. I haven't run Superposition yet but I did run the GTA 5 benchmark at 2K pixels (4320x900) and saw above 100 FPS the whole time.

Thing is to run the Superposition bench I need to disable nVidia Surround...what a hassle...

Nice. :)

Now to see what it does in Superposition. 😀

It's not doing me any good without a good cooler. I'm still using the stock sink until I get my Rajintek Morpheus II Core Edition, so any time the temps go above 60C the clock drops. Not to mention at 2500MHz the card artifacts like crazy. You can only go so far on the stock heat sink and 2100MHz is about it.

I'm sure most people here have seen my custom shroud I made from three 92mm fans. Just gotta wait for my Morpheus.

The choke mod involves shorting the parts of the card that report power consumption, which I did, and I noticed it actually works while monitoring clocks during the bench.
Getting closer to that +200 mark re-submission requirement...Gotta get a custom BIOS or a better cooler...60C, fans 100%, 2100MHz.
I love my Xeon though, these things are near future-proof.
Last score was 3842. Come winter I am testing outside.


Table updated.

I dunno if Tom's forum S/W supports spoilers, but if it does, put the images in a spoiler tag for reduced bandwidth usage on metered connections.

HBCC is a turbospeed cache that acts in the same manner as CPU cache. It's in between the GPU and the vRAM in the same way L3 cache is between CPU and RAM. Very high speed cache that speeds up read/write buffers a lot for most apps.
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