Like gsacks here, I am pretty appalled by the misogynist comments on a site where, honestly, I expect better.
Secondly, while the traditional model + product formula makes for some fun holiday pictures, I was wondering if Tom's has ever considered using actual gamers, tech reviewers, and geeks for their photoshoots. I think using people with actual experience in the field and with the products themselves would show a much more even handed and interesting approach to the photos, while most likely, being able to be done at low cost.
If these women are already geeks, I heartily apologize and will shut up immediately, but it seems to me that the use of actual geeks, while being hand-picked for the most attractive ones, obviously, and maybe using more than one gender of model, would make for a more professional approach that follows with the standards set in all of Tom's other amazing articles. Just some food for thought.