Great april fools article THG- love the extensive gun collection and it definitely looked like a good way to satisfy an appetite for destruction!!!
If only some people (mostly women) knew how much innocent fun guns can be ... not to mention shooting things and seeing how they break or explode. Of course I've never tried CPUs, don't have that much money to blow. But on a budget rotten watermelons from your local grocery, or shaken soda cans heated on the car radiator for good measure, make a delightfully entertaining targets. A guilty pleasure I might add, probably because of all the news stories about people on shooting sprees and such and it is too bad those people have to ruin it for us (in the UK) because its so much fun. I would gladly have my retina's scanned, fingerprints taken, DNA PCR'ed and be psychologically evaluated by a panel of experts for the liberties I had in the US or Norway - I miss my Ruger Super Blackhawk with 4x optics - 100 yards flat - try it!