I added a Radeon HD 5970 to my i7 920 rig connected to a 24" Dell flanked by two 24" Gateways for 5760x1200 goodness. Even with the i7 OC'ed and the awesomeness of the 5970, I'm stuck below 30fps on Crysis Warhead (Mainstream settings). Still, I kill L4D2 (120fps, maxed) with very much playable (~60fps) Bioshock (maxed) and Far Cry 2 (most settings Very High, DX9 only). Certain titles are having a lot of trouble with Eyefinity, though. Oblivion loses menu text and has stability issues; Crysis won't run at all, crashing at menus; Far Cry 2 doesn't support it in DX10; Borderlands doesn't scale menus or HUD elements for that aspect.