Too many windows!


Feb 11, 2001
I recently loaded Norton Utilities and Internet Securities 2001 in Windows Me. It works great but now every time I boot up all of my drives open up on start up. I have 10 partitions so 10 windows open up. Can anyone tell me whats happening and how do I disable it?
why oh why would you have 10 partitions? i won't even go there....Did you try to clear the documents record in start menu properties/advanced? sometimes old references to drives, programs, etc in there will cause the machine to look in that direction at boot up every time.

Wherever you go, there you are.
Well, first off, the reason I have 10 partitions is because thats what happened with Millenium. When I formatted my disk with the western digital diagnostic tools it prompts me to insert the start-up disk of the operating system I'm gonna use. I put in the Me start-up, it copies the files an bingo, it automatically partitions the drive in 10(its a 20 gig drive) My only choice is to make them even smaller than the 2 gigs of each partition but 10's enough. Someone told me Me does this for hard disk efficiency. Actually Me runs pretty good like this. I can defrag all partions in less than 5 min. But anyways, the windows opening up at start-up were directly related to Norton Internet Security 2001 Family Edition. I uninstalled then reinstalled and it was scanning the partioins on start of windows. It does not do it any more. I guess it "configured" itself somehow. Who knows.
Wow, I've never heard of WinME doing that before! When you were initially partitioning it, did you see a message stating something like " Your computer has a disk larger than 512MB. This version of Windows includes improved support for large disks, allowing you to format disks over 2GB as a single drive....Do you wish to enable large disk support? (Y/N)" - If so, and you accidentally hit "N" then it would have assumed you wanted to use the 2GB partition limit and it would have divvied up the available space accordingly. Otherwise, I cant imagine how having that many partitions can be conducive to a friendly operating environment- not to mention FAT32 offers better usage of file space than FAT16 due to smaller cluster size. If it were me, I'd repartition into one FAT32 drive and then reinstall my OS- If you're worried about how long it takes to defrag, just program it to do it overnite, on a weekly basis- that's what I do!

Wherever you go, there you are.
The westren digital diagnostics disk will fdisk and format your hardrive according to the OS you are using. Before I used 98SE and it asked if I wanted large disk support, fat 32 and all that stuff. I was able to use 1 20 gig partition, 2 or 3 whatever I wanted but with Me it automatically detects that it is the Millennium start-up disk and does everthing automatically withiout asking. I could get around it by using my win 98 start-up disk when I format and then load Millennium. Regardless, I kind of like having 10 partitions, its incredibly fast and I didn't even disable system restore. Running DFI slot a athlon 700 with 196 mb of ram.
Bye the way the pop up of windows of my partitions fixed itself somehow after I uninstalled then reinstalled.
I would have thought that 2g partition was not big enough, Office 2000 is about 750-800 m, Me is god knows how big, some games are 600-700 m, you would have to put 1 major thing on each partition, so you have drives labelled c,d,e,f,g,h,i,ect, would have thought it would get horribly confusing.
Also the less utilities that you have the better off you are, I used to run the Norton utilities and it was a pain in the arse, it did things that it thought were good, but Win didnt, so I uninstalled it, and a lot of the probs I used to have dissapeared

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by garf on 02/27/01 04:14 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Actually I have Ofiice 2000 installed on one designated partition. Only Office and its documents are on that drive. It takes up 291 megs on that one(disk 1 and 2)but lets not forget the space in windows that it takes up. Yes it can be confusing but once you get the hang of it its not bad. Next time I re-format I'm gonna use the win98se start-up disk then load Me insted of 98. If I'm not mistaken, what difference does it make what start-up disk is used to copy dos files. As long as the hard drive is fdisked and fat 32 and partitioned shouldn't Windows Me install on that drive?
I used to have a western dig hard drive. For some reason it doesn't give you a choice to make one large partition, it wants to make 2 gig small ones. it blows and I would recommend to anyone just to use windows' fdisk.

:tongue: <font color=green> I LOVE INTEL. It tastes like chicken </font color=green>
As long as you choose yes to LBA allocation it should be ok
Which version of Office do you have?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by garf on 03/01/01 02:35 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Well I reformatted with a Win 98SE disk and loaded Milleennium with 3 partitions on a 20 gig drive and works great. I'm running office 2000 professional.
I know you guys are having great fun talking about partitions, however, the answer to the original question is that this is a know bug when using Norton Internet Security and WindowsME. The same thing happened to me. That is one of the reasons I switched to BlackIce. There is really nothing you can do about it except wait for Norton 2002.