1) Even if free, I wouldn't watch all the films on this top 10 list. In fact, I don't see one that I'd pay to see either! However, this is just my personal opinion on the films.
2) Do you think that films are really better experienced in the theater? Sorry, I like to pause if I want to get a snack, appreciate not having the glow of someone texting two rows in front of me, and the lack of *whisper* *whisper* *Oh no she didn'* *WAAAAAAAAAA-HAAAAAAaaaaaa-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* make a film at home so much more enjoyable. If I really want a big screen, I go check out a projector from my college (the perks of an overpriced education). Yeah, don't miss going to a theater at all.