Toshiba Agrees To Sell Its PC Business To Sharp For $36 Million

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It's the end of an era. What a shame. I owned two of their laptops and they were fairly good. I just didn't like the lack of options in their BIOS.
Back in the day their laptops were outstanding ... the early A100 series laptops were bulletproof. The M400's were good, and I still have a Protege 700 running. Then they went downhill. All good things end.
Although I haven't set one up in a while. Any Toshiba I set up for a client always had way more bloatware than you normally see, killing performance. They also load on many superfluous utilities which duplicate OS functions. Their products have just been garbage.

I have NEVER purchased a computer that I didn't reformat (after I learned how) or at least spend a while to go through and disable most/all of that. I found, particularly in Toshiba's case, that almost everything in there was a duplicate of something Windows already did. I did always enjoy the "Eco mode" though.


Unfortunately most people aren't willing to pay for the additional time spent on a Vanilla reinstall of Windows. So, I just clean out the bloatware. Since I build all my desktop computers this hasn't been an issue for me. All my laptops have been freebies from clients tossing still decent laptops. Which got a clean install.
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