Toshiba Laptop Keyboard Keys not working

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Sep 9, 2013
I have Toshiba Laptop Model c675-s7103. I was working today and all of a sudden the Z ,?, 0 and all Arrow keys Just stopped working. USB plug in keyboard works. No spills or anything in the keys. Sorry if this is a repost but I have not seen anyone provide a solution. Running Windows 7. System restore did not help.

Try opening your laptop up and disconnect the keyboard pin and connect it again.

How did u screw up the setting?what did u do before it started to malfunction?

I have a Toshiba L650 running Windows 7 Pro and have experienced the same problem. z, the key to the left of it, and the arrow keys work. Because the Bluetooth keyboard does not have a number pad I do not know if the 0 works.

I connected a Bluetooth keyboard I use with my iPad and all of the keys (except question mark) work. I was even able to use the arrow keys to move about this message.

This is not much of a solution, but it will do until I or someone else comes up with a solution.

Hi there. I am really interested to know if you have resolved this issue, as I have the same problem with exact same keys also on a Toshiba laptop
I resorted to having a repair service look at my Toshiba. They told me that the tests I had done were the same as those they would have done. Their conclusion was that the keyboard was flawed (a month or so after the warranty expired.) The technician told me that Toshiba keyboards are prone to this type of failure. I had a new keyboard installed and all is fine now.

I got the same problem as yours ,finale I changed keyboards. then solve the problem.
My wife's laptop had the following problem last night: the CAP LOCK, the NUM lock and none of the other keys responded. My 14 year old son came in and showed me that by holding down only the shift key for about 30 seconds, it fixes the problem. After that the keys worked fine. I do not know what exactly the problem was, but it works again.
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