The realness of the issues, and the legality of the actions taken in response to those issues is up to several armies of lawyers to argue with whichever world government takes the lead this time.
At the end of the day, the cartel who is semi-perpetually under investigation for price fixing, and occasionally (but repeatedly) found guilty of price fixing, has announced their intention to fix prices this year. It looks like that got started really fast too.
So they're going to find as many "non-imprisonable" excuses as they think they can get away with (which is probably a lot) to cut production to a point just slightly above whatever level angers investors.
So, as someone who knows nothing about the factory or the earthquake. I think it's pretty safe to say they'll find some reason to keep this factory (and any other plant even slightly affected by the earthquake, or solar flares, or anything) shut down for a long time.
I just want to skip the 2 year retread of tired BS clickbait, and fast forward to the part where criminal investigations are filed, all the production problems magically disappear, all the factories instantly reopen, nobody gets punished, and technology moves forward again for about another 2 years before the cycle restarts.