Toshiba P870 HDD

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Jan 5, 2019
Hi, I have a Toshiba P870 that has capacity for a 2nd internal HDD, I have plugged in a 1TB SSD but it is not being recognized, do I need to format this 2nd drive first or is there something else I need to do to get the laptop to recognize it?
Also try this if on windows 10. Right click the start button in the lower left and choose disk management. Scroll down to see if your disk is there. It may well need to be initialized under disk management for the OS to use it and allow you to format and partition it. If so do that now. If you do not see the disk at all LMK and will direct further.
I'm now trying a WD 320Mb HDD that I have spare, still not recognizing that, It is almost as though a dip switch needs to be set somewhere to tell the computer that a second HDD is in place but I can't find the technical specs for the computer only the user manual.
Problem Solved, thank you for your input it certainly helped in my thinking. I thought it must be a simple solution and it was. I tried removing the main SSD from it's slot and plugged it into the second HDD space, turned the laptop back an and it worked as though everything was fine, There are a number of metal connections in the HDD spaces and obviously the HDD or SSD must be in an appropriate Caddy for the laptop to recognize that there is a HDD in place, just need to order myself a second HDD Caddy and I should be up an running with a new dual disk laptop, putting an extended life into my 6 year old and very efficient P870 Toshiba. Thank you again.
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