Touch-Based Ubuntu Coming to Smartphones Late 2013

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could be somewhat successful only if they allow for it to dual boot with android
This may be the ticket, I cannot wait for my upgrade to roll around in a few months, so many new choices coming up :)
Awesome! My goodness, now I need to get a new phone. I hope it will be priced nicely, iOS and Android aren't really doing it for me. Hope Ubuntu Phone OS will be.
im noticing that droid is crashing more and more. I cna't take a picture or video without the service crashing. Nothing is rooted either. Their code base is messy. I use Debian for EVERYTHING and since Ubuntu is based on debian, I may jump on this. It's probably more stable then Android. Though I do worry on how Conical is going to make sure it stays stable, because even Google can't see to keep that end up, even with their unlimited budget.
I think it's a little to late for Canonical (Ubuntu), Jolla (Sailfish), and Samsung (Bada) to go against Android, I think all three of them should just put in fully with Android and be done with it, don't compete against it!
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