Touch screen monitor or all-in-one with touch?


Oct 31, 2015
I only have a budget of about $400-500 and was trying to determine if it would be better to build a cheap diy pc or buy an all-in-one. The touchscreen is non-negotiable, but I'm not sure if diy windows 10 PCs have the same touch support as an all-in-one with touch built in from the start. Usage will be very light so I don't need high resolution or a fast processor or overclocking or anything.
I've seen nothing thus far that will convince me most AIOs are made with quality parts. Most AIO are built from cheap laptop parts and usually fail fairly quickly. My IT company has a massive client who loves those piles of junk. I STRONGLY advise you to find a desktop alternative.

And touch screens just add one more part that can fail on an all in one. if I had a dime for every time a touch screen went bad on one (completely unused I might add) and messed with the function of the PC I'd be able to buy an Oculus Rift.

FYI this is intended to be a blanket universal statement. I've seen little to no evidence ANY pc manufacturer (including Apple) makes all in ones with the intention for them to last a day beyond whatever limited warranty they stick on them.
That's one of the things I was afraid of with an AIO. The touchscreen monitor will probably be more prone to problems too, but at least it won't take the whole computer down with it. I'm just not sure if a touchscreen monitor will offer the same functionality. Has anyone actually used one with windows 10?
The AIO's are just laptops in a different configuration.
The power of a mediocre laptop, with the mobility of a desktop.

More a fashion statement than a usable system.

Touch is good for tablets and phones, but for anything bigger? No. IMHO, anyway.
I have an Asus Transformer. The touch gets used very rarely.

Are you sure that touch is "non-negotiable" ?

yeah, for a few reasons, people will need to use touch with it quite a bit. I already have a whole fleet of computers I could use otherwise.

Requirements are generally needed before actual recommendations.
So this is to be a kiosk of some sort, in a business?

Then just buy an AIO and be done with it.
Warranty and known working, instead of wasting time trying to hack together your own thing.
It's primarily to be used by my young daughter. It's hard to say exact use cases, but at a minimum I want her to have a large (~21") easel space. It will probably be at a desk in the kitchen where I can use it for recipes and having a touchscreen I can wipe off (or being able to scroll with an elbow) will be super useful too over always using a m+k