Transcend Announces 128GB Flash Drives

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now if only we could replace hds with something the size of flash drives and graphics cards would go down in size all my miniitxdreams could come true.
[citation][nom]velosteraptor[/nom]for $200 id rather buy a 2TB+ portable to lug around with me.[/citation]

Make sure that 2TB+ drive has some heavy-duty shock absorption. I've trashed a hard drive dropping it less than 1/4 inch.
[citation][nom]uglynerdman[/nom]now if only we could replace hds with something the size of flash drives and graphics cards would go down in size all my miniitxdreams could come true.[/citation]
ever heard of SSDs?
I'd definitely buy this if the price was reasonable (100~110$ is the highest sum that I'll ever pay for any flash dongle, even if it's the top tier model). Transcend makes quite good flash dongles.
I have two of their dongles, 16GB and 32GB, and they serve me absolutely fine for more than 4 years now, without any problems at all.
[citation][nom]rangas[/nom]ever heard of SSDs?[/citation]

surprising as all heck, how even so called professional IT resellers still haven't adopted them, they think 128GB for $99 is too expensive, and not enough space. and then their head goes back into the sand.
[citation][nom]master_chen[/nom]You're always walking around with SSD in the back pocket of your pants?[/citation]

lol. well, you really could. SSDs are about the size of my wallet (much thinner of course, especially the 7MM SSDs) i would just get a thin 2.5in drive casing or something to make sure it doesn't get damaged, and it actually would just be like having another wallet in your pocket. i could deal with that.
128GB drive using USB2.0? Gosh, I already get impatient with USB2.0 speeds using my 16GB drives (to be fair, they are limited to about 20MB/s, but 30MB/s is not much better)...
The USB3.0 version "transfer rates" are up to 80MB/s.. but I wonder what the write speed is..
As usual, Kevin doesn't provide much useful (or reliable) information. Must be nice getting paid just to copy/paste information into an article, without doing any research (in other words, real work).
From information I found about previously released 32GB versions of the Jetflash 760 (up to 70MB/s read and 35MB/s write), I expect this 128GB drive to offer about 40MB/s write speeds. Not that great at all!
I see Patriot (benchmarked reads 200MB/s, writes 120MB/s) and Corsair (advertised reads 220MB/s, writes 130MB/s) drives that cost a lot less (below $140) and perform several times faster!
I only once bought a Transcend drive (16GB) a few years ago, due to it's high advertised speeds. After benchmarking it, turned out it offered that speed (over 30MB/s reads) for about the the last 3GB only, but only offered less than 50% (about 15MB/s reads) advertised speeds for the rest of the drive capacity. After some research, I found that this is how it was designed, and so my drive was not defective. Needless to say I felt totally mislead and cheated and will probably never trust Transcend again.
I will be picking a couple of these up in 2 or 3 years for 9.99 on sale at my local computer store
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