I have several disks from old laptops, desktops and was wanting to transfer to a newer PC. I have done such things many times. But I bought an Alxum SATA to USB adapter after many good reviews. I plug everything in. The drive shows up on the PC as D: but any acton after that leads to the PC freezing. I can see a list of files but when I click, it freezes. I have tried CHKDSK via Admin Command Prompt but the Comman Prompt freezes when the command attempts execution (CHKDSK D: /f). I tried it on my Windows 10 and then later upgraded to Windows 11 - same issues. I have uninstalled the USB drivers in Device Manager and reinstalled by restarting - same problems. If I right click on the drive in Device Manager, it freezes. I have tried both of the USB ports on the PC, same. I cannot use a different USB cable as it is hardwired into the Alxum. I cannot even right click for properties on the drive in My PC as it also causes freezing. I realise that one issue can be a bad drive, but none of my 3 drives have ever been bad and it would be a coincidence if all 3 went down just as I am using the Alxum.
I can try on my son's Mac (or can I??) when I next see him. But other than that I am running out of ideas. Any thoughts? Thank you.
I can try on my son's Mac (or can I??) when I next see him. But other than that I am running out of ideas. Any thoughts? Thank you.