"Transplanting" M4 OS SSD to a New MB


Aug 5, 2009
So last time I moved my SSD from my x58 MSI Platinum SLI board to an EVGA FTW 3 x58 board the EVGA I had read I should have been able to just put the new board in and hook up the SSD and it would boot into windows 7 with little to no problems.

Turns out I couldn't get the installation of windows 7 on the SSD to be seen so having thought everything would have worked out nice and peachy I didn't back anything up and ended up losing all data on the SSD being forced to reformat the drive and reinstall windows.

Well as it turns out I was able to get a good deal on an ASUS P8Z68 delux motherboard with an i7 2700k. What I am wondering is if I should be able to just transplant the SSD and be able to boot right up into windows?

If not is it even possible to do with some prep work // drive cloning software in order to do this on an SSD? I am not all to familiar with boot sectors and how they index operating systems as viable boot options.

What I am looking to avoid is having to reconfigure windows 7 and all my associated applications as it can be a headache and take about a week to a month remember every little tweak program installation to have it back to the way it is now.
There are 100's of post with this exact question on here. Search through the many other posts about different peoples experience with this.

IMO do a clean install once you move the drive over, spend the week it takes to reconfigure things, and you will end up with the most stable OS with the fewest problems.
I agree with tomatthe.

However, if you want to plop the drive into the new motherboard and run, do two things
1) Make a backup copy of the drive, just in case!
2) Put the drive in and boot from the installation DVD. Do a Repair Installation, boot to Windows, and run Windows Update. This is a fairly reliable method, although not guaranteed.
Some time ago, my son had a X58 motherboard failure. He had a hard drive with lots of files and apps which would have been a pain to redo, just like your situation.
I built him a replacement pc with a 1155 based motherboard.
I was prepared to do a clean windows install, but tried to boot with his old hard drive, and it was successful!!
I installed the new chipset drivers, and everything else worked. Your results may vary, but give it a try.

My plan "B" was to boot from the windows dvd and attempt a repair install. I suspect that this would have worked also.

Before you alter the old drive, use windows easy transfer to export all of your files and settings to a second device.
If you need to do a clean install, you can recover all of your files and settings. Only the apps will need to be reinstalled.