TridentZ RGB 3000mhz RAM only running at 2133mhz with Ryzen 1700x

Jun 28, 2018
So a couple days ago i realized my RAM was not running at its base speed of 3000mhz, after messing with many BIOS options, clearing the CMOS, manually changing values, and talking with the support personel from ASUS i have been unable to reach the 3000mhz value. The max i have reached that the computer will still allow me to boot is 2400mhz, can anyone help?

I am using an Asus Prime X-370 Pro motherboard, and the QVL states the ram should run at 3000mhz
I have also updated to the latest BIOS and tested my friends 3200mhz RAM and it ran just fine

Do you have XMP enabled in the BIOS or are you setting the memory timings manually?

I have used D.O.C.P and manual changes, all result in instability. I have even changed voltages, timings, the works
I have a pretty good idea of what to do, i just cant seem to achieve the result i want. I have googled this many many times, and have checked the QVL before. It states that my RAM should be able to be run at 2933 and 3000 mhz

Did you ever get this working? I'm having the same issue with the same motherboard...