well I did a newb move, I played with amd overdrive to improve gaming performance yep and i got my system to crash.. hooray blue screen... well at my first my pc was chasing its tail and kept rebooting crashing and rebooting, then i finally powered it on and off... barley logged in then i crashed, then tried again and crashed... then it gave my some repair options... i chose to do the restore point thing were it brings me back before my last installed program(amd overdrive) so i tried it... it had an error message saying how it didn't work... then i sighed logged into my user and it had a message saying that my pc was restored?... well now my pc is working great... i even tried it out on games(minecraft at 28 render distance no crashes and the 28 render distance pushes my system)... so do you think my pc is fine now? should i be worried? also before my system restore thing it crashed when i imminently logged in or just opened the web browser... now i have 4 tabs open and am playing a game...