Each point represent a memory module graficated as Price Vs Performance
This chart shows an XY price performance chart:
The second chart is relative performance, above the cheapest chip Vs Difference price:
Only the memories united by the blue line are worth of a buy.
Any other module is more expensive or more slower
The super talent is the cheaper memory, so if you are really strict on budget, you should buy it.
Paying 28 U$S for the patriot module give 7% extra speed
For 50 $, the Wintec gives 8% extra speed over the Super Talent
Now, the Musking gives almost 10% gain for 70$
The Crucial Ballistic, gives only 11%, almost the same as the Muskin, but at a premium of 224 U$S, 154$ dollar more than the Muskin, only for 1% extra speed.
Is clearly not a smart choice
The Kingston offers 16% extra performance at a 390 Premium extra price over Super Talent. Is 8% faster than Musking for 320 extra U$S
The red point represents the OCZ, but is a looser, because the Patriot is 1% faster, and 12$ more expensive, altougt is in the same leage
I would recommend:
Super Talent as a smart cheap buy.
The Muskin as the max performance than a reasonable price can buy
The Kingston if money does not matter
The Crucial is absolutely not recomendable