So i recently purchased an i5 9600k with a MSI MPG z390 EDGE AC motherboard, and 16gigs of 3200mhz ram. I have the core multiplier set to 50, meaning i should get around 5.0 GHz, and the ring multiplier to 47, meaning 4.7 GHz. Core voltage was set to 4.2, but i dialed it back to auto due to the problem i kept having. The problem being, bios shows my cpu clocked at 5.0 GHz, however booting into windows it defaults back to the 8-46 multiplier, with the core locked at 43, meaning 4.3 GHz. This is my first new computer in a long while, and i haven't OC'd in ages, so for the life of me i cant get what the problem is. Turbo boost is off, and cpu frequency is set to Fixed mode.