Question trouble overclocking 9600k

Jul 8, 2019
So i recently purchased an i5 9600k with a MSI MPG z390 EDGE AC motherboard, and 16gigs of 3200mhz ram. I have the core multiplier set to 50, meaning i should get around 5.0 GHz, and the ring multiplier to 47, meaning 4.7 GHz. Core voltage was set to 4.2, but i dialed it back to auto due to the problem i kept having. The problem being, bios shows my cpu clocked at 5.0 GHz, however booting into windows it defaults back to the 8-46 multiplier, with the core locked at 43, meaning 4.3 GHz. This is my first new computer in a long while, and i haven't OC'd in ages, so for the life of me i cant get what the problem is. Turbo boost is off, and cpu frequency is set to Fixed mode.
Hello, this is my first post but I think I may be able to help you. I bought a 9600k recently and had some issues with overclocking as well. This video was a huge help for me:


Reset your bios settings to default with F5 and start with enabling a XMP profile. Change your vcore to manual and set it at something like 1.35 to start and don't go higher than 1.4. The rest is trial and error, every CPU is different and what works for some won't work for all.
i cant go lower than 1.4, normal operations of the 9600k is around 1.406V, the 9700k, and 9900k run much lower, not the 9600k. And i do have XMP on, i can get it to hit 5.0 ghz easy with the intel extreme tuning utility, but through the bios it doesnt translate into windows, it makes no sense tbh.
i cant go lower than 1.4, normal operations of the 9600k is around 1.406V, the 9700k, and 9900k run much lower, not the 9600k. And i do have XMP on, i can get it to hit 5.0 ghz easy with the intel extreme tuning utility, but through the bios it doesnt translate into windows, it makes no sense tbh.
I'm running my 9600k at 5ghz @ 1.3 volts.
Part of overclocking is finding the lowest stable voltage your chip can handle and most 9600k can run well under 1.4. I would definitely find where your floor is.
okay, thanks for that info, my motherboard had evidently decided 1.4 was the ideal scenario, but it seems like i can actually run the cpu around 1.28 V, and its stable, however, my issue remains, that my overclock does not translate into windows, i can re oc in windows using the intel tuning utility, but the OC from the bios, is only present in the bios, though, voltage changes and the cache frequency does change, only the cpu core clock itself doesnt seem to be changing in windows.
It’s the funniest thing. I got a new graphics card tonight and was messing with some stuff only to realize I’m having the exact same issue. My overclock is @ 5ghz, and it is on startup. But within a few minutes it maxes at 4.6. I hadn’t ever noticed before. Using the intel XTU I can get it to stay at 5ghz. All of the monitoring apps show my multiplier is 50 as well even when it won’t go over 4.6.

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