Trouble Overclocking Q6600???


Feb 6, 2009
Hey guys,
So I am a newb here when it comes to overclocking. But I have done a lot of reading on the forums to try to figure this stuff out but I had a couple questions. Im trying to overclock my Q6600 (G0 type) to 3.2 ghz on air cooled (im using a coolmaster TX2 cooler). After spending hours of upping the voltage I was finally able to get it to run without one of the cores dieing during Prime 95 testing. The test only ran for 14 mins but one core would have died at 2 mins if the core voltage wasn't enough. the only odd thing is I had to raise the voltage to 1.43 volts(All volt readings were takin off CPU-Z)?? that seems high to me for just 3.2 ghz. The load voltage was 1.36 volts. Now for temp wise idle temp fluctuates on all cores between 38-42 degrees but load temps are 69 degrees on two cores while the other two were 67 degrees. The 69 would hop up sometimes to 70 but then come back down. However I think that's the max temp with air cooled that's reasonably safe. Also I just wanted to make sure didnt have a wierd chip so I also did 3.0 ghz and it was able to run on the first try at 1.28 volts at idle. so why does it have to be all the way up to 1.43 just for 3.2?? And also how are guys doing then 4ghz with in my case only .08 volts to spare seeing that 1.5 is the max for the chip??? Am i doing something wrong?? I appreciate yalls help.
I have a Q6600 on a Asus P5Q-E board. I had it overclocked to 3.0GHZ with not very much voltage on core. When I took it up to 3.2GHZ I got so frustrated at upping the voltage to get it to boot up , I finally set voltage to auto. It showed 1.4xx in CPU-Z but it booted up and ran Prime95 / small fft's for 42 hrs stable. I think it's just the chips. Some are better then others. Since the 1.4xx volts was less then the max recomended; I just left it there.

I know I should go back in and set it to a manual setting, I just havn't done it yet.

As far as the temps go, you should read Computrux's sticky on temps. Also check and make sure cooler is seated good and TIM is applied ok.

Hope this helps and good luck
yea i just thought it weird that guys were running 3.2-3.7ghz on lower volts than I was so I thought I was doing something wrong. And on top of that the temp cores were lower than mine but every post I read not all specified what cooler they were using. Im going to check the cooler to to make sure its good. well im glad to know i wasnt doing anything wrong I quess.

Vcore does not show in CPU-Z (not sure why, it does for me). And running CPU-Z does not equal stable. I mean at least 24 hours at full load.