Hi there, I seriously hope that someone here can assist me in my problem.
My sister asked me to assist her with her new laptop, cleaning it up a bit installations and so on.
We are trying to install Office 2010 with no luck. She has an old Dell with Windows 7 (that fell and screen broke) and her new Acer Laptop with Windows 8
We didnt have the original Office 2010 DVD and Box and Product key
Searched for the product key with Belarc Advisor found it and tried on the new Acer laptop by entering it on the Office Trial (I guess 2013) which didnt work.
It kept saying the product key is invalid
Unistalled the trial version of Office on the Acer
Then we uninstalled the Office 10 from the DELL.
She had a previous Office Installation file from the first time she got the DELL so we copied that file to the Acer and tried to install but sill got the invalid product key error message. Also I ran CC Cleaner for the registry before the above mentioned installation.
I dont understand why the product key doesnt want to take on the new laptop if it clearly worked on the Dell a year or so back?
Im not certain on what I am doing wrong here?
I was thinking maybe I should do a transfer of the product key via phone but im in South Africa and the activation screen didnt show a option for it?
Should I try getting a new Installation file?
All or any help would be greatly appreciated!
My sister asked me to assist her with her new laptop, cleaning it up a bit installations and so on.
We are trying to install Office 2010 with no luck. She has an old Dell with Windows 7 (that fell and screen broke) and her new Acer Laptop with Windows 8
We didnt have the original Office 2010 DVD and Box and Product key
Searched for the product key with Belarc Advisor found it and tried on the new Acer laptop by entering it on the Office Trial (I guess 2013) which didnt work.
It kept saying the product key is invalid
Unistalled the trial version of Office on the Acer
Then we uninstalled the Office 10 from the DELL.
She had a previous Office Installation file from the first time she got the DELL so we copied that file to the Acer and tried to install but sill got the invalid product key error message. Also I ran CC Cleaner for the registry before the above mentioned installation.
I dont understand why the product key doesnt want to take on the new laptop if it clearly worked on the Dell a year or so back?
Im not certain on what I am doing wrong here?
I was thinking maybe I should do a transfer of the product key via phone but im in South Africa and the activation screen didnt show a option for it?
Should I try getting a new Installation file?
All or any help would be greatly appreciated!