Troubleshooting for hours - PC won't boot


Dec 26, 2015
I have put everything together in my PC, yet I don't even get the faintest of feedback when I turn on the power supply. After going to sleep last night in defeat I woke up in trouble shooting mode. I have performed the "No Post", "System won't boot", and "No video output" checklist forum. I have also done the paper clip test on my power supply and it worked. After all this I still have nothing, so I removed everything and tried a bare bones test. Still, nothing.

My PC:
Intel i5 6600k Processor, Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO, MSI B150 PC Mate ATX LGA1151 Motherboard, GTX 1060 6GB Video Card, Kingston Hyper Fury X Black 8GB (2 x 4), PNY 240GB 2.5" SSD, Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB Hard Drive, Corsair CX 600M, and the NZXT s340

I believe the problem might be my motherboard, but I don't know how to confirm that. If pictures will help I'll be happy to post some of those. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Remove the CPU and closely examine the socket for bent pins. If OK, replace the CPU and cooler, making sure you tighten it down evenly. Reset your CMOS. Do this by unplugging the PSU and then removing the CMOS battery. Press and hold the case power button or jumper the power button pins on the board for a minute or two, then replace the battery, plug the PSU back in and try booting one stick of RAM in all slots, using both sticks. Don't connect the GPU or any drives. If it still doesn't boot, test your PSU in another PC if available. If still no luck, RMA the motherboard.
Remove the CPU and closely examine the socket for bent pins. If OK, replace the CPU and cooler, making sure you tighten it down evenly. Reset your CMOS. Do this by unplugging the PSU and then removing the CMOS battery. Press and hold the case power button or jumper the power button pins on the board for a minute or two, then replace the battery, plug the PSU back in and try booting one stick of RAM in all slots, using both sticks. Don't connect the GPU or any drives. If it still doesn't boot, test your PSU in another PC if available. If still no luck, RMA the motherboard.