Question How do I boot a nipogi minipc remotely whenever I want?


Dec 12, 2009
A nipogi minipc has a setting in uefi to power it on every day at a configurable time. However, it does not have a setting to power it on whenever power comes back. It does have a setting to power it up automatically after a power outage. I could use a smart plug to simulate a power outage and turn it on with the mentioned setting of the UEFI when I turn on the smart plug again. However turning off the computer with a smart plug does not seem safe for the computer. Do you think there is anyway to do this with this computer?
A nipogi minipc has a setting in uefi to power it on every day at a configurable time. However, it does not have a setting to power it on whenever power comes back. It does have a setting to power it up automatically after a power outage. I could use a smart plug to simulate a power outage and turn it on with the mentioned setting of the UEFI when I turn on the smart plug again. However turning off the computer with a smart plug does not seem safe for the computer. Do you think there is anyway to do this with this computer?
If you do a normal shutdown, then turn off the plug, it should react as though a power outage has happened. But I am just guessing.
This is a try it and see thing I suspect. These setting are hardware/bios settings and not windows. What I commonly do with my machines that I want to turn the power off but not have to relaunch the apps is to use sleep mode. I then turn the power switch off. I am not sure if you are suppose to do this but I do not get any warnings and I have done it on multiple machines. It always loads as though I just push a keyboard key to take it out of sleep mode but of course not as fast. In addition windows is very good at recovering from power loss while you are actively running. You still take the risk of file loss but it is not like the days where you worried about actual physical damage to a hard drive from sudden power loss.