I’ve said for years take away the IRS and have no taxes at least federally coming from your paycheck then instead have a federal sales tax. I don’t know exactly what that number is, but if I’ve got no federal taxes coming from my check and instead pay say a 10-15% extra sales tax on goods I buy, I’m good with that. Think about it, because then you don’t have the overhead of that agency that taxpayers are paying for, plus even if someone is in the country who isn’t a citizen and doesn’t currently pay taxes or if people are doing illegal activities for money, they still are likely buying groceries, gas etc, so then you’d get taxes from all that income essentially. Or if they wanted to do away with all the deductions etc and just have a 10% flat tax so no matter if you’re poor or rich etc that you pay 10% of your income in tax or whatever number that is, but I feel something like that is fair because everyone would pay the same percentage.
I’m of the opinion as well that there are probably a lot more expenses that can be cut as well.
As far as other countries with tariffs, that may be, but considering the US is a huge player economically and a lot of trade is still done in dollars, they may hurt their own economy more in the long run.