Trying to pick the right card for pairing with my cpu

Oct 30, 2018
Hello all, I built my own computer last year and I'm looking to upgrade. Currently has an AMD FX-6300 cpu, ASRock 970 M Pro 3 MoBo, an R9 270X GPU and 8 gb of ram. I know all of what I want to change except the graphics card. What would be a good pairing for the FX 6300? I was thinking an rx 570 4gb but turns out the 8gb version is about the same price. Would that throttle too much? I'd be getting a case with better airflow and more ram to accommodate this but I'm worried the CPU will hold it back and I don't want to replace that quite yet. Thoughts?
Ok, so to start of, yeah, an RX 570 would be fine with this CPU as long as your power supply is strong enough (400 Watts+)
considering it is a 6 core CPU at pretty good clock speed you could actually go with a better card if you wished, something like a GTX 1060 or an RX 580. you could try a GTX 1070, but that might be pushing it just a little, i have a 1070 paired with my I7 2600 (4 Core 8 thread 3.6GHz) and in games that are more CPU intensive like battlefield 1 my CPU tends to fall behind a little, often being tapped out at 90~100%

so to clearly answer your question, yes, your CPU can handle an RX 570 or a bit higher.
if you want to know more just let me know, im happy to answer your questions :)
I'm able to run triple A games (albeit on very low settings) and used to be able to run MMOs well but recently games like World of Tanks and Fortnite have been forcing me to pull back my settings. I know a 4 gb card would make that problem go away but is it worth the risk of throttling and going for an 8 gb card?

4GB will definetly be enough, but if you want to future proof to some extent i would try and stretch my budget to get a card with 8GB like an RX 580 or GTX 1070, both of these can hold their own in AAA titles while having enough VRAM for future games that will need more. i believe at the moment RX 580's are quite cheap and are probably great value. i do believe that you CPU shouldn't bottle neck an 8GB card, especially having 6 cores at a decent clock speed. so yeah, try and go for an 8GB card. let me know what you decide or any other questions :)
RX 570 is plausible but i didnt see you posting about your PSU..
lets say you use 500w PSU.. i think you'll have some little issue.. specially in RX580..
i mean.. you are using a FX series.. which is power hungry..

i mostly recommend GTX1060 6GB since it got lower power draw compared to RX570/580..
why 6GB? because you dont need to upgrade more.. and you'll get decent play on 1080p..
and you'll get power issue with 1070..

if you plan to update.. change the CPU, go Ryzen..