so the specs on my pc right now.
so my questions:
- the case itself is a standard one - i wouldnt be too sure if any of those 3 fan gpus would fit my build 🙁 but i wouldnt mind buying a new one even though i recently bought it less than a year ago
- GPU - MSI GeForce RTX 2070 DirectX 12 RTX 2070 ARMOR 8G OC 8GB
- CPU - ryzen 5 1600
- ram - patriot PV416G240C5K (2x 8gb DDR4)
- PSU - Corsair TX 650M
so my questions:
- what would i have to do to make sure im not bottlenecking a new gpu if i were to get one?
- what gpu should i strike for for someone that streams/games on the machine constantly when i can
- what should i do to try and run 3 monitors? i currently have 3 monitors but i dont use the 3rd one. i have my: Samsung S27C750(1920 x 1080 5ms), an HP w2338h(1920 x 1080 5ms), and a Asus VP228H( 1920 x 1080 1ms). im planning on using the hp one for chat/stream stuff etc. while the asus one us for gaming, samsung is youtube and other video stuff.
- do i even need to upgrade with cyberpunk,call of duty and other new games coming out that seem pretty intensive