What past 2 months were you living through? The sun doesn't always shine? It did nothing but. That's what it always does in our oh so definitely hasn't always been this bad we have the numbers, summers. The days it ain't windy up in la dee da Sherman, it sure as hell is down on the coast. Same grid, remember? The days it wasn't windy up there? Also the same days, yet again, the thermal boys decided, lets just turn our stuff off.
View: https://twitter.com/AndrewDessler/status/1546528816272654337
Is wind and solar the answer to our massive massive and growing still energy needs? No. The oil and gas industry sure as hell isn't. They were the ones that didn't weatherize their pipes for pennies, let the state freeze and then handed us as a bill for billions. With a B. The fact of the matter is this is Texas. The wind is always blowing. Somewhere. Just a matter of how hard. This is Texas, when its over 100 degrees, the sun is shining. This is Texas, the coldest time of year is inside an office building in August.
Stop parroting a political talking point. We have a ton more people. They are still coming. We need power to sustain it all. The fact of the matter is, oil and gas is a suckers game. And its also a geographic lottery. Instead of being idiots and going to buy a new white truck and a massive new gate to the ranch, lets be smart, and and use some of it to set up a better power system. We have battery makers and nuclear physicists. We have the sun and a lot of empty roof tops. We always have wind somewhere. Stop being willfully ignorant. No one wants to suck in whatever all the frackers are burning out. Being able to set water, something else we have to actually address like adults, on fire is not a good thing.
We also have a lot of people like you. This is Texas.