[SOLVED] turbo frequency throttling


Nov 18, 2017
Hi, I have an intel i5-4570 3.2GHz, It has the ability to turbo boost to 3.6GHz, however I cannot reach the 3.6Ghz its always throttling between 3.2 and 3.6 but on idle i get 3.58 and when stressed it moves at 3.3-3.4 and temps are a constant 70'c on stress. is it possible to stay at a constant 3.6 during stress?
The chip you have is a non k chip so you cant over clock. The best you can do is set windows to performance mode
Your processor will only boost 1 core to 3.6
If the software you are using uses 2 cores max boost will be less.
If it uses 4 cores max boost will be even less.
As stated above ,you have a non K cpu. No overclocking or tweeking allowed.
The only thing you can do is install a better CPU cooler and set windows power plan to performance.. The cooler it runs the longer it will boost .