TurboV Q9650 P5Q

Jul 23, 2018
- Hello all, this is my first post here, as I just created my account, i have couple of questions, and i would appriciate that u help me with this specific things and not telling me to upgrade couse its 2o18, i come from Europe, my income is not that big and i kept it to the budged. I apologize for my English couse it's not my primary language and i hope trully that u would help me. Questions are:

- Is it safe to use ASUS TurboVEVO to overclock my Q9650, i have P5Q(P45Chip.)and a good cooler ?
If it's not, is there anywhere i can learn just to OC my CPU, couse i have no idea what to do, i never used BIOS exept to set boot device( sad 🙁 ).I would like to do it without of any potental of burning whole thing down, couse i have no money for anything else, it is what it is. I saw that Q9650 is good processor, even better when overclocked, so i would like to push it a bit better.
If anyone asks theese are my specs:

CPU: Q9650 3.0Ghz
RAM: 8GB HyperX DDR2 800Mhz
GPU: ASUS Strix GTX 960 2GB OC
PSU: Seasonic S12II 620W 80+

- Again, i would like to know how to OC without any potential of damaging anything, couse its only thing i have, i was saving half of a year for all of this, and i hope u all guys help me, thank you all in advance and hope to see answers!

Pretty much just follow the guide, Im having UD3R home right now at stock everything and missmatched ram i could hit 3.2GHz on Q6600.

You need good airflow in case since mine is open bench with 2x120MM fans.

You cannot kill sour motherboard nor cpu if you are an idiot and set voltage above 1.55V on long duration for cpu, I did set my E5800 at 1.55V for 4.5? 4.6? Not sure.

As for other settings like I have MCH google max voltage cause it differs per motherboard, I know that asus has SB and NB.

Just typing p45 overclock tutorial it will pop every oc tutorial on google.
Stick to hard forum, Overclock, bit tech, and also official forums of motherboards have oc tutorials.
I dont remember site but It has a big list of motherboards and how to oc.

Im not following u, my hardware is not eligible to OC, and is vulnerable to damage it really easy?

Hey, i'm about to look it up, just quick few questions, if i increase multiplier, and raise all up, do i need to do anything with RAM, and if i do, can u pass me some guides on that if u have time, i explored last few days, but i'm not feeling safe couse all of pcu-s that i saw are not like mine, either mobo is different or psu, and as i saw, all of that makes big difference, every pcu and moba are different and should be treated differently
Just try first upping fsb till the pc doesnt boot at all, 10mhz step, increase 10, save&exit, go to bios and repeat until pc doesnt boot or fail overclock.
Then substract 10Mhz from last for example if last stable was 360 ,set it to 350.
Thrn go to windows, run prime95, aida64 or intelburn test (intel needs 10 passes, if it passes the oc is good.), prime and aida needs 1h stress minimum.
Then you up the voltage by 0.10-20V on cpu, and ram to 2.1V, then try again.
Its just trial and error, if you hit wall with fsb at some point, cpu voltage should not exceed 1.45V (1.55V is maximum without damaging cpu 1.45v is my safe) a temps not above 80*C max.
You watch temps on hwinfo or hwmonitor.

Other stuff that you need to disable is C1E, speedstep cause it decides multiplier and the voltage and it might cause instant crash on windows starup even if the overclock is stable.

If you need any more detailed ask, ill find the complete guide for it since i have it saved on pc (a website link since im on phone most of time).

You might hit wall at 350-400fsb.
And yes sometimes to get higher fsb you need to lower multiplier of your cpu that decides your clock, also setting correct ram speed that your ram can handle the overclock, as you increase fsb, the ram goes higher, soo you lower it.
It seems complicated at first, but after you understand it its easy.

Ps. Sorry for a bible.

I've read like 1000000 guides, and none of that explained so good as u in theese few lines, when i get home from work ill do it immidietly, i would never think of 10 by 10, thank you so much, i wrote down software for stress test, i understood everything about cpu so far, now its only ram tweaking..yeah, i would satisfy myself for 3.7-4.0 on air, that would be perfect