Turtle Beach x12 headset won't pick up voice, but the speakers work fine.

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Aug 12, 2014
Just what the title says. I got a new laptop for christmas and the onboard mic sucks badly so i decided that maybe my xbox 360 headset will work, i saw a few vidoes on youtube about this and yes this headset should fully work with my laptop. only problem is, it doesnt. Well, the mic part anyways. The speakers work just fine, everything sounds great, but the mic wont work no matter what. in fact, windows doesnt even recognize the headset at all. I checked the audio devices and only the default built-in speakers/microphone show up. I did check "show disabled devices" and still nothing appeared. So im a bit confused on how the speakers are even working in the first place. But at least they ARE working. The mic doesnt pick up a thing i say. Anybody have an idea? If you need more info, ask for it. Thanks 😀

it may also help that im using an audio splitter as my laptop does not have a microphone jack.
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