TV Reception options On PC / 1440p Monitor


Hello, I d like to know what are my best options to get TV on my PC monitor (1440p) and some other questions..,

First option

A cheap 10 euro like, Usb TV Tuner, and make it work via kodi and an add on. Just for my local channels. Question there, Will they be received at HD? (1080p)

Another option. get a sattelite card like for example Technisat SkyStar 2 TV and connect it to a plate,lnb etc. But will it receive at HD? Will I get my local greek channels that are otherwise available and english like abroad channels (unlocked ones). Or something like Edision Proton
on a sat plate , lnb etc? Or maybe its worth getting a 4k one instead of a 1080p one so it gets downscaled to my 1440p monitor?

If you read it all you will see that I want to have all my Greek channels, and if possible some 1080p+ abroad ones if its possible and yes i know someone will need to tune the plate to a specific satelite..


Mar 6, 2013
I use an HDHomerun Prime from Silicon Dust (got 3 of them), it handles 1080p just fine. These are cable card ready devices that have 3 digital tuners each and connect to your PC via ethernet. It can decode encrypted Qam if you've got a cable card (rented from your TV provider). Silicon Dust has a player app but I use SageTV (open source media center) as my DVR. I've got one machine that's setup as the server (handles the tuner boxes) and 4 machines (one for each TV) as a client. It works great. With 9 tuners, the wifey is unable to max out the tuners when recording the shows she likes.