Hello... TV's theses days are like computer parts builds, Just easy changeable cards in them.
I fixed mine by parts found on EBAY... a card at a time. The numbers are printed clearly on them for searching. The lowest price card I would try first would be your LCD Display card. It is the one that has Two Thin Ribbon flat type cables going to your LCD.
There are great number of Parts available by People who are parting out shipping damaged units and from Repair Shops, Most Sharp models of TV's share the same cards in them, as long as you have the right part # match to your model... Its pretty much Plug and Try... My Main CPU/GPU card was $65 to fix my Sharp Aqous... But I have spare PS card now $35... and a spare LCD Display card $30. Most sellers have a make offer on their Ebay post, and accept or decline your offers, they would go typically about $15 less.
You could try resetting your Firmware, to enter your Service screen,
- Unplug the TV while it's on
- Press INPUT and VOL DOWN at the same time
- Plug in the TV while holding the above buttons
- You can release the buttons once you see the letter K
- Press VOL DOWN and CHN DOWN at the same time
- The service menu should come up.
There are alot of screws ( keep track of different lengths ) to remove the Plastic back off... Set the monitor front bezel on a Large piece of Cardboard and Flat surface, as to leep the LCD protected from any Pokes.