two 1000$ builds

Why no new builds? I would think if you want the "best" you should be open to changes.

Both builds have issues. The first one has possibly a serious issue seeing as there is a compatibility problem. I don't think you'd notice the gaming different however. 1700 vs 2600X, both have 16GB ram and a 1070TI. For gaming they will perform the same. Seeing as the second option doesn't have the compatibility issue or the odd ram choice I'd get that. Both have odd choices however.

its just a bios incompatibility so its not a big deal

Unless you get the early bios. How do you plan on updating the bios?

It also has 4 sticks of ram instead of two. You might have issues getting that many sticks up to 3000GHz. The ram kit from the other build would be better wouldn't it? Cheaper as well.