two hard drives

Jesse Weaver

Jul 28, 2012
have a 300gb and a 1tb. added the 1TB when 300gb was filling up. I still have about 600gb free on the tb but only 10 gb left on the the 300mb. Will the 3mb fill up and cause problems even when there are many gb left on the other?
No, the system will not automatically write to the 1TB HDD if the 300GB HDD fills up. You have to instruct Windows where you want things. Moving things after the fact is not the best solution, but it can be made to work.

How you configure your system will depend on what you're doing. What exactly are you doing that is constantly writing so much data to your 300GB drive it is going to fill up? If it's something such as recording TV using a TV tuner card, that could be instructed to use your secondary drive, or if you're downloading things from the internet, save them to your secondary instead of your primary HDD. There must be something you are doing to use the space, but without knowing, I can't suggest much more than I have.

Jesse Weaver

Jul 28, 2012

Thanks for the reply bigpinkdragon286. My problem is with the storage. Everything seems to go to the 300gb and nothing to the 1tb. The 300gb is near full. I've tried dragging info to the 1tb but most will just dup. When it's full will the system then load to the 1tb?
No, the system will not automatically write to the 1TB HDD if the 300GB HDD fills up. You have to instruct Windows where you want things. Moving things after the fact is not the best solution, but it can be made to work.

How you configure your system will depend on what you're doing. What exactly are you doing that is constantly writing so much data to your 300GB drive it is going to fill up? If it's something such as recording TV using a TV tuner card, that could be instructed to use your secondary drive, or if you're downloading things from the internet, save them to your secondary instead of your primary HDD. There must be something you are doing to use the space, but without knowing, I can't suggest much more than I have.

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