Question Two issues with PC


Jan 13, 2022

I am facing an issue with a PC. The big issue with the PC is that a drink was inadvertently spilt on it. This issue made the fans 'rev' up just before I was able to kill power and remove the CMOS.

I reconnected up the PC after a few days' drying and it seems the GPU died; the exact issue is that the GPU, when NOT plugged in to power, allows the system to start booting up but no image (as CPU doesn't have an IGPU either :( ). As soon as I connect power to the GPU (6650 xt) it point blank refuses to switch on.

I have now replaced the GPU with a spare 1080 for now - the PC is on right now and I am typing this out on it. However, there are still two problems with the machine:
  1. As soon as the PC 'sleeps' - it refuses to come back on. If I hold then press the power button to turn it off and on I get nothing in terms of image at all. The only way to get the PC to come back on is to switch it off at the wall and then turn it on which shows the BIOS splash screen and it proceeds to boot. Otherwise I get no response at all.
  2. Possibly related to the first issue, prior to this drink spillage, the computer would not come back on when it goes to 'sleep'. What I mean by this is, when it was left to 'sleep', the computer would just every 10 mins go back to boot and would keep restarting every 10 mins. Windows Event Viewer shows this as a 'Cache Hierarchy Error'.

I am confident that this is not an issue with the following:-
  1. SSD - I have replaced this.
  2. Cooling/cooler - the item is not thermal throttling and I have re-done the thermal paste yesterday.
  3. Case - PC was rebuilt inside of a different case (due to personal preference).
  4. GPU - I have now tried three GPUs (6600xt which died for separate issues, 6650xt water damaged and my current 1080).

This points to one of 4 things:
  1. RAM
  2. CPU
  3. Motherboard
  4. PSU

I am unsure how I can get to the bottom of this. I bought the CPU and motherboard as part of a bundle which remain in warranty just about.

The PSU is a very good model and I have memtested the RAM which brings no issues. I have tried to clear CMOS to no avail. I have tried a fresh Windows install as well.

My questions are:
  1. How can I figure out what is at fault?
  2. What do you think is the most likely culprit? I am very sure it is the CPU and/or motherboard at fault which, if confirmed, I can RMA. But I am slightly hesitant to return these for two weeks for them to say 'there is no issue'.
  3. Re the 6650xt, is there any 'salvaging' this or am I just getting rid of it for parts/'scrap'?


5600x AMD - Hyper 212 EVO cooler
NVIDIA 1080 - MSI Twin FROZR edition.
2x 8GB DDR4 sticks of CRUCIAL RAM - Tried with XMP off and on.
B560M-DS3H motherboard
SU630 SATA SSD (former) and SN850X NVME (current) - tried switching these out
CX750M Modular PSU

Any advice is much appreciated.

Thank you.
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B560M-DS3H motherboard
You have the wrong motherboard, that processor will not drop into the socket.

a drink was inadvertently spilt on it.
What drink are we looking about here?

The issue might be your motherboard entirely. Since you mentioned dropping in the other GPU, did you run DDU to remove all GPU drivers to manually reinstall with the latest driver sourced from Nvidia's support site?

As for the spill, how big was the spill?


Jan 13, 2022
Apologies, wanted to correct something.

It is a B550M DS3H. It was flashed by me with a 3200g so is definitely compatible with a 5600x.

A can of soda was spilt and it was about 30ml that landed on the top of the PC (the rest hit the floor). It was mainly on the GPU backplate.

I did not DDU as I reinstalled Windows from fresh so the old drivers never existed on this install. Drivers got redownloaded from NVIDIA.
Jul 10, 2024

Something to try......You could try turning off the powercfg first then use the PC for a bit in the OFF state,
then try re-enabling it again.

Refresh hiberfil.sys File​

Refresh the hiberfil.sys file by toggling the switch (Disabling and Enabling), this resets the file if it is corrupted.

  1. You must run this from an Administrator Command Prompt window.
    To open one in Windows 11, 10, 8.1, or 8, right-click the Start button and select "Command Prompt (Admin)."
    To open one in Windows 7, you can search the Start Menu for Command Prompt, right-click it, and select "Run as Administrator."
  2. Copy and paste the command into the Command Prompt window:
    powercfg -h off
    Then press Enter to disable (Figure 8).
    Windows Command Prompt

    Figure 8
  3. Restart the computer, and go to an Administrator Command Prompt window again.
  4. Copy and paste the command into the Command Prompt window:
    powercfg -h on
    Then press Enter to enable (Figure 9).
    Windows Command Prompt

    Figure 9
  5. Restart the computer one more time. The hiberfil.sys should be refreshed.
Once the hiberfil.sys file has been refreshed, the computer should be tested to see if the issue is resolved.
If the issue remains, go to the next step.