Two questions about RAM


Jan 30, 2017
First, I have read about and I understand about memory mix matching especially between brands or models. What I want to know is if I buy two seperate but the exact same spec models and brand (literally hit "Amount" at 2 on amazon), does that apply to this? I assume it would be a significantly less risky maneuver, but at the same time it's not all one pre-packaged and tested kit??

Second, is a memory cooling fan even worth it? I read that they are largely made of non heat conducting materials, and that the fins are mostly for flare and show. I may have read wrong, but I want to ask now.

The ram in question is G.SKILL Ripjaw V 2x16GB 3200
Particularly this.

Fair enough, it's your money, spend it however you like. I just wanted to make sure you were making an educated decision...
There should be no issue with buying two of the same type of RAM. That's what happens when you buy packs of 2 or 4 sticks.

RAM coolers are just for show unless you are messing with the timings, and even then it's not really necessary.
The bottom line is, your own statements are entirely correct...

Mix and matching RAM can be temperamental.
It is significantly less likely when you get multiple identical sets, BUT, it still doesn't guarantee everything will play happily together.

My concern with the RAM you're looking at is that it's OC'd RAM which *might* be running near it's limits (when you enable the XMP profile or manually apply the OC to 3200).

If you want the OC (which you're paying quite a lot of money for), you are better getting a 4x16GB kit if you can.
Yep! I used the 8 GB version of that and upgraded later to 16 GB with no issues. You mostly just have to make sure the specs are the same when mixing RAM. I have mixed 4 different brands together and it worked fine. You should be golden with what you have chosen!
That's an extremely fair statement. The MOBO I'm running it on is this. ASUS Strix Z270E.

Another question is actually about the ram itself as it's slightly unclear in sales or tech specs (at least to me).
When you purchase a ram set that is said to be a 3200, is that what they're guaranteeing it's rated up to working at, or is it that they're pre-clocking it at 3200 for you. Also, can I scale it back from 3200 (if I see no actual need to run OC).
I'm not sure all the responses in this thread are quite accurate...

Again: There's a big difference between mix & matching JEDEC standard RAM and OC'd RAM.

Just to clarify my first post above, if you were just planning to run the RAM at a normal 2133mhz or 2400mhz with standard timings and voltages, then you'd be extremely unlucky if it didn't work. There are still no guarantees, but based on my experience and in discussion with others who understand these things better than I do, it would almost certainly work.

BUT, RAM really can be temperamental when you try to push the limits. With higher OC's and tighter timings, RAM manufacturers have to spend a long time testing and validating their kits. Can you just slap two kits like that in your machine and enable the 3200mhz XMP profile... I don't know. As I say - I expect it would run fine at 2133mhz with default timings, but my guess is that there's a good chance you'd have to spend some time finding stable timings if you were aiming for the 3200mhz you're paying for.

The RAM will come with XMP profiles. In theory (and with one dual channel kit in a Z270 mobo it usually works), you just go into the BIOS, choose the 3200mhz XMP profile, and away you go. The profile is stored on the RAM, it's a complete list of the timings and settings which have been tested and validated to work with that kit. It's just the settings for an overclock, but the difference is that the RAM manufacturer has (in theory) testing and validated a specific overclock that the RAM will handle.

What would be the advantage of buy a 3200 over buying a baseline 2400 or a 3000 or any number for that matter?

First off - are you sure you need 64GB RAM? That's of tangible benefit in very, very few situations.
Second off - while there are very occasional use-cases which benefit from faster RAM, they're few and far between. On a limited budget fast RAM provide a very poor cost-benefit ratio.
As for the first portion of your answer, that is perfect. You've answered my questions entirely.

To address the second portion. Why not? I understand there's extremely limited situations where 64GB of ram is even remotely necessary. I do run servers off my computer and I mod (unreal 4 engine). I also do graphic design at times. Honestly, still none of those things truly justify it.
I have money to support it. I'm not outright trying to budget or look for cost-effectiveness. I did about 2 days of research and reading reviews to come to the conclusion of Gskill, or Ripjaws for that matter. Not to say they are the best overall, or the most elite, but for what I saw, they were extremely highly rated.

Fair enough, it's your money, spend it however you like. I just wanted to make sure you were making an educated decision.

If you are willing to spend up on 64GB RAM, can I suggest a kit like this one:,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
It's basically the same price as your original suggestion, but according to the specs it's validated to work on a Z170 platform (so your Z270 should be fine), with all four DIMMs. It's also a 1.2V kit - stock voltage - while still having a modest OC with reasonable timings.

If you're willing to take of the risk of having to put some time in, you could certainly justify getting the two 3200mhz kits at a similar price. The chances of it just not working at all are pretty much negligible IMHO. More likely you'll have to spend some time finding a stable OC manually. There are some serious memory gurus on the forums here who could help you find a stable set of timings if you find the XMP profiles don't just work out of the box.

Were I in your shoes though I'd take the tested 1.2V kit and be done with it. Higher chance of stability and reliability, less strain on the memory controller, smallish (but significant) theoretical performance difference, very, very little if any real-world differences.
I honestly don't mind the time, as I've played with cas latency and voltage settings before. That's quite alright. I appreciate you taking the time to inform me, and you've been extremely helpful.

Those are a good set, but I've honestly already purchased the ram. I just was itching to ask those questions.