Two questions...


Apr 27, 2003
OK first off I just got done ordering all my parts for my new comp; these things are in the mail:

MOBO: Asus A7N8X Deluxe rev2
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2500+
HD: WD Raptor
MEM: Mushkin Black Level2 PC3200 2x256
PSU: Fortron FSP400-60PFN

I've already got a case that'll hopefully hold everything, but my first question deals with the conspicuously missing Video element- I've got a PCI ATI AIW unit already, and was hoping to use it while I gather info on the best AGP replacement (which is second question, but hold on..). I'm just wondering if the sys will be cool with runnin the PCI unit as primary, and with nothing in the AGP slot. Anyone ever tried that, or care to guess?

Hopefully it WILL be cool, so then I won't have to rush on buying an AGP replacement. Which brings us to Question #2- what AGP vid card is the best for my sys. FYI I'm willing to spend quite a bit to get a bitchin unit I won't have to upgrade for a while, but I don't want uber-expensive bleeding edge stuff. Also, I'vw been hearin that nvidia has been getting owned by ATI in the DX9 dept, which is a bummer b/c initially I was hopin to get an nvidia card to match my mobo chipset. Oh well. Guess it doesn't matter, since I'll prolly want another AIW unit- the AIW aren't substandard to non-AIW ATI cards in any way b/c of the added features, are they? Lastly, is there any sync'ed bus issue with vid cards I should be aware of like there is with cpu/dram units?

Thx in advance!


Your pci card should be fine, just make sure you have primary video set as pci in the bios. Some recent tests on DX9 games shows Ati to be ahead. There are no problems running an Ati card on the Nvidia chipset. Ati is due to come out with a new high end card for the xmas season, so older stock should drop in price. As far as I know, the 9700pro A.I.W. was the first all in wonder card that did not take a hit on perf to be aiw.


Feb 24, 2002
Endyen answered everything about as I would have. The only difference between AIW, and non-AIW versions of OLDER ATI cards, is clock speeds. The new AIWs are clocked the same so they will perform the same.

Get yourself a 128mb 9800-Pro and be one of the 2nd happiest people on earth. [The happiest has a 256mb 9800-Pro, not really because of the extra memory, but because it uses different memory that can OC more, but don't worry about that:)]

"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse

"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd


Apr 27, 2003
Muchas gracias guys! :D FMI, how much of a perf diff is there between a 9700 pro AIW (128) and a 9800 pro AIW (128)? Or does the latter have more features or anything that makes it a must-have over the 9700? Like, do they both support all the DX9 junk or just the 9800?