News U.S. Chip Industry Labor Shortfall Set to Intensify

People should be lining up around the block for these jobs.

All you need is a rare 6-year degree, 10-20 years experience... and a willingness to live in company housing, 80-hour always-on-call work week, be under constant pressure that the company openly wants to relocate your job back home to asia with zero-notice, and accept a salary 30% below what a person with those qualifications would make working literally anywhere else.

I can't see a single reason why professors would ever teach their students to avoid the semi industry like the plague. It's baffling, really.
People should be lining up around the block for these jobs.

All you need is a rare 6-year degree, 10-20 years experience... and a willingness to live in company housing, 80-hour always-on-call work week, be under constant pressure that the company openly wants to relocate your job back home to asia with zero-notice, and accept a salary 30% below what a person with those qualifications would make working literally anywhere else.

I can't see a single reason why professors would ever teach their students to avoid the semi industry like the plague. It's baffling, really.

And then all the whining "we can't find employees willing to work".....
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People don't want to work right now, there waiting for that good ole stimulus check again. !!! Job are there, people are there, so this article is 100 in disagreement!
24/7 on-call work weeks, 60+ hours a week, and only 80 hours of PTO -- of which you are penalized and looked down upon for using -- each year? Experienced and expert workers don't tolerate that kind of crap. SIA needs to fix working conditions at their member companies. A lot of the talent that was here left for Europe for better conditions.
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I'd gladly work in the chip industry and get out of the tungsten carbide manufacturing plant I'm in now. But I'm not moving to a high-tax, high cost of living state/city to do it.
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While we are discussing "people not wanting to work" vs. reality, how about:
  1. Companies have no-references policy and will only "verify employment" via fax to lawyers on retainer, which requires your SSN and signed release, BUT ...
  2. ... Those same companies --- and virtually all corporations --- use recuritment sites which have no means of attaching documents, and no fields where people can type verification info, while JavaScript enforces content of fields very strictly! (So you can't even type said information into what looks like a free-form text field ... i.e. name accepts no digits, address field only accepts digits at the start of text and then only text.)
Meanwhile, "Mom and Pop" have never heard of such things and don't even own a fax, and they're not going to spend their time or money faxing by other means when summer help is otherwise lining up at the door!

(NOT) sorry for the rant!