[citation][nom]robertking82881[/nom]nothing stoping them for doing it any way . and theres gonna be a loophole or one made. or they will hire some one off the record to look in to some one to get a warrant on . the law go's beyond the law all the time[/citation]
Looks like you know about as much about law enforcement as you do about grammar, punctuation, and spelling. ("there's", "going to", "made, or", periods go directly after the last word of a sentence without the extra space, and "goes") The fact of the matter is that with this law, a warrant would be required as part of a criminal investigation. Sure, they could still potentially monitor private communication, but if they find anything they can't use it in court. Also, anything that might come from that illegally obtained information would also be inadmissible as "fruit of the poisonous tree." Someone who is guilty could get off on that technicality. Cops hate that more than anything, and so do regular citizens. They'll stick to the law if they want to actually convict someone.
As with all law enforcement, though, if they want to harass someone, they can do certain things without warrants and still mostly get away with it. I had a cop in LaSalle, Colorado who pulled me over every single weekend when I was coming back to college from working at home on Saturday and Sunday. (I'd head out Friday night, work down in Denver on Saturday and Sunday, while my mom also did my laundry, then head back to school in Greeley Sunday afternoon or evening.) Twice he claimed that he smelled pot and emptied my car supposedly looking for it. The way he watched me, and not my stuff, as he emptied my freshly laundered clothes out on the side of the road, I knew he wasn't looking for anything. He was there to harass me, and all that because he caught me speeding once. I learned my lesson, paid the fine, and quit speeding, but he insisted on continuing to punish me. I've run into stuff like that repeatedly in my 40 years. It was worse when I was in high school. They quit when I hit about 30. I was a good kid, and I followed the rules pretty well, but I was also shy and not very assertive. I was a bully's dream victim. So, every cop I came across pushed me around.
Cops do that. The look for people they can push around, and they bully them. I haven't known a cop yet that didn't. (That's what I think of when I hear about supposed "racism" by cops. Honestly, they aren't racist. They're worse.) Cops are bullies. That's life. Nothing is going to change that.
With this case, I seriously doubt any law enforcement is going to bypass this. It's not advantageous in pushing anyone around. Your emails will be safe.
While enforcing the law is their main goal in doing the job, being a bully is their hobby. If they're trying to actually enforce the law, they'll follow the rules.