[citation][nom]CaedenV[/nom]@tk1138What kind of moron are you? Claiming the founders were so just and righteous!? They were oppressed people who took power, won against unbelievable odds, and laid a great foundation afterwards that set a high moral standard instead of being selfish slobs like almost every other revolutionary who simply replaces the previous oppressor.Yes, they were good men to deny themselves the power they could have grabbed (Dare I say they were even 'divinely guided' on that front, and many others). But to think they were perfect, blameless, or did not have several severe shortcomings as individuals or as a government, is dumb. To think that a similar revolution could take place again on a planet that is so small compared to how it use to be (remember it took months to sail reinforcements over the ocean at the time), is insanely nieve, foolish, stupid, shortsighted, and (dare I repeat myself) dumb.Do you know what oppressive governments do? The go through a country, tax the hell out of the population to the point where the people can hardly survive, and then go door to door killing anyone who does not swear fealty to the mother country. This has been done all throughout history, and exists even still today (ironically this is done my Al Quida who you seem to love so much). We let people prosper, we try and allow people to walk their own paths of life with limited interfereance. And what's more; if we wanted to become the world's leading tyrranical government, we have the technology to do so, and do it very effectively.So what do we do? We find countries with things that we want. We shake up their power structure, set in our own puppets (with limited success), leave the people relatively alone, and PAY for the materials that we wanted in the first place, while also paying for new infrastructure in the country we bombed to hell, and paying damages to those we harmed. We are the only country that goes into battle, and looses financially for the sake of some other goal. It is usury and bad business all rolled into one; I don't like it, we are not very effective at it, but it is a far cry from being the terrible monster of a country that you claim us to be.so... you would rather follow a group that brings in followers based upon religious zealotry, for the sole purpose of killing yourself and as many others around you as possible, over supporting a government that... what... makes a few bad decisions (for whatever reason, good or bad), and generally stays out of the personal lives of its citizenry? I swear, my local government is more intrusive and commits more hanus acts on a daily basis than the US Government (and I bet most people who live near a major city would say the same). Yet, we all look to the federal government as being the big bad evil that must be taken down... and in a blaze of glory.I just do not understand the mindset. Travel outside the states more. Listen to people, and see how they live. We are not free. We have never been free. Any person who has ever had a neighbor has had to live within some form of boundaries and rules to that people can get along. Here in the states you have many more options in life than most other parts (dare I say any other part) of the planet. The more people there are, and the more wealth that is accumulated, the more rules must be applied as a barrier between people to keep society at relative peace, and to keep my rights from trouncing yours, or vice versa. If you want freedom, then go get yourself your own compound in the middle of nowhere, and do whatever you want to... by yourself... so that nobody complains.I absolutely hate most of our political leaders in office at the moment; But I am 100% sure that they do a better job than you would.[/citation]
our country does everything you listed to on a small scale setting the precedent for more widespread measures down the road...look at ruby ridge and waco, you said the govt does not go door to do killing...well it has in a way...and guess what the govt was essentially let off the hook....
the way people live in other countries has no bearing on how much freedom or tyranny i should tolerate...the only thing that matters is our govt has become out of controll and is infringing on the Constitution on a daily basis, not to mention violating its own laws...
at least those fighting for the religion, are fighting for a good reason other than to enrich and perpetuate the "military industrial complex" (you know the one president eisenhower warned us was comming during his farewell address)
you are an ignorant joke, the only knowledge you have is the BS that is presented to you via the media do some research...
you clearly dont know what freedom means dumb ass, being free is essentialy being able to do what ever you wish as long as you dont encroach on the rights and property of others...being freedom dosent mean life dosent have rules like dont steal dont kill or harm others...seriously you are so clueless its not even funny anymore...you use the same BS argument that most of the other ignorant sheep use to try and some how belittle the idea of freedom and liberty....
but yea i guess we should tolerate a corrupt government because we are not as corrupt as say N korea, and its not like it will ever get any worse if we simply tolerate it....
you are such a piece of garbage telling me that the current politicians who completely disregard the constitution would do a better job than me...you are nothing but trash who dosent deserve any of the protections guaranted by the Constitution, since you seem so willing to just toss them aside....
your statement was so full of ignorance and fallacy its not even funny...(such as tolerating corruption here cuz somewhere else its worse) (or your misconception of what freedom is)