This won't have much if any effect. The main reason has to do with supply/demand economics, and specifically the supply/demand curve. Basically at current prices, GPUs are bought up quickly if not immediately. Lowering the price, would actually increase demand even further, but there would be no supply for the higher demand - so prices would go back up. Which is exactly what they'll do.
Basically the only thing that will happen to high demand products from removing the tariffs, is that the government will get less revenue. The price won't change, because the supply won't change. It would be different if we were in a different place on this curve and capacity to build had some wiggle room, or perhaps was even capable of building more than demand, but right now it just doesn't matter.
Same thing is happening with oil prices - price will go up until sufficient demand is destroyed to reach equilibrium with supply. Fiddling with taxes just doesn't do anything to where that supply / demand / price equilibrium is on the supply/demand price curve, it just changes who gets paid.