nss000 :
I hope your optimism vis' Shuttlecocks intension is correct. But these posts suggest otherwise:
Snarky stuff, eh? Time to "sharpen the pikes"? A cold-eye cynicism may well serve better the casual linux lusr.
Thanks for posting - an interesting read. He makes some excellent points, and I think the first (re accountability) is an especially strong point. A lot of is stuff I've considered before and a lot comes down to people's motivations for developing free software. Obviously it's gonna vary from dev to dev, but I think a lot of it is glory-seeking.
They want recognition and respect for creating the greatest distribution/Bittorrent client/music player/IDE/whatever. You don't get that as one cog in a huge machine that is Canonical/the Debian community/whatever so you get a billion forks and distros based on distros rather than everyone working together on a single great system. And of course demanding that everyone contributes to one great distro totally goes against the whole idea of free software anyway. Who has the right to tell you what to develop for free?
And I think that same thing is one of the biggest factors in bugs and glitches in open source software. I'd rather Ubuntu finally fix the cursor theme bug than add some new feature I don't really care about, but there's no glory or recognition in bug fixes. And if a community dev isn't paid for that time and effort (and their livelihood doesn't depend on it), why bother when they'll get more recognition for some potentially cool but unnecessary feature?
If there's a bug in my code, I have to fix it. I don't like bug-hunting, I prefer creating. But it's my job - I'm being paid to write quality code and my job/livelihood depends on that. And if I wasn't being paid, I can guarantee I wouldn't have the motivation to fix that bug. I wouldn't be required to, so I wouldn't. Devs are the like the builders of the 21st century - on the whole, they're a lazy bunch and need strong motivation to do good work. Obviously there are exceptions, but I'm not one of them.
His point about NDAs and transparent development is an interesting one too considering Shuttleworth's recent decisions to restrict knowledge of development of certain new features to only those in the community that are 'well-established/recognised for their contributions', or something to that effect. For some great new feature(s) in 13.04/13.10 he wants to surprise everyone with (and no criticism while they're being worked on).
Like I say though, for me, it's not about the philosophy (fits right in with the 3rd point in the article you posted) - it's about results. I think maybe a less open, less transparent and less free (beer-wise) way of working could be the way to get the best results. The code comes from people, so the devs and their motivations are at the absolute core of it. Best results come from happy devs, which means money, nicely-written code (tighter, more restricted controls on contributions could benefit that) and not having people slating your work before it's even finished.
Unity for example - that criticism clearly really upset Shuttleworth and a lot of the decisions he's making now are a result of that backlash. Say what you want about him, how he conducts himself and how you feel he should conduct himself, but he's the guy at the top, he's making the decisions and what's good for him (and for Canonical) means happy devs doing better work.