Makes me suspicious...
So I read in Ars Technica ... that Canonical expects to release U_14.02LTS **next year**! Seems strange to me, given that U_12.04LTS was just released on a "5-year" support schedule. Why not just roll any significant improvements into an update/backport/whatevr in U_12.04 ?? Is the 5-year support being ditched, or will older xxx.LTS desktop versions be allowed to bitrot while Canonical forges into the **squintsville** phone/tablet arena?
As an aside ... what do (other) U_10.04LTS Luddites intend doing where their Ubuntu support runs out this April?
Makes me suspicious...
So I read in Ars Technica ... that Canonical expects to release U_14.02LTS **next year**! Seems strange to me, given that U_12.04LTS was just released on a "5-year" support schedule. Why not just roll any significant improvements into an update/backport/whatevr in U_12.04 ?? Is the 5-year support being ditched, or will older xxx.LTS desktop versions be allowed to bitrot while Canonical forges into the **squintsville** phone/tablet arena?
As an aside ... what do (other) U_10.04LTS Luddites intend doing where their Ubuntu support runs out this April?