Ubisoft Adds Free Content Updates For 'The Division'

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What happened to gaming?
The game hasnt even launched and free (and paid) DLC is already slated. The game will only be out for a month before new content is added, then more the next. Why not just put this in the actual launch title?
I dont mind spending money on content, but not this early on. Games like Starcraft and Diablo did this well. SC2 has 3 expansions (note: not DLC) that actually added valuable aspects to the game. Same for Diablo 3. Its only expansion more than doubled the amount of game play (plus countless patches that add content larger than these DLC).

Say what you might, but I for one am dissapointed.


Dec 4, 2009
This is gaming business. To many people are o.k. with spending vast amounts of money on games that if they actually had a little patience they could get for half price or less and ruin the scheme altogether.


Aug 10, 2008
What happened to gaming?
The game hasnt even launched and free (and paid) DLC is already slated. The game will only be out for a month before new content is added, then more the next. Why not just put this in the actual launch title?
I dont mind spending money on content, but not this early on. Games like Starcraft and Diablo did this well. SC2 has 3 expansions (note: not DLC) that actually added valuable aspects to the game. Same for Diablo 3. Its only expansion more than doubled the amount of game play (plus countless patches that add content larger than these DLC).

Say what you might, but I for one am dissapointed.

at least the DLC is coming out before you get burned out on the game.. in the old days, DLC game a year or more later, and we were already burned out on the game.

Games are not the same anymore. I, too, miss paying for my game and getting a nice game with a ton of content that is bug-tested top to bottom and works smoothly.


Mar 26, 2002
I don't buy Ubisoft games since they started forcing you to use UPlay... which requires you to open your firewall to an ad site that's considered adware by my firewall vendor.
I don't buy Ubisoft games since they started forcing you to use UPlay... which requires you to open your firewall to an ad site that's considered adware by my firewall vendor.
I don't buy Ubisoft games since they started forcing you to use UPlay... which requires you to open your firewall to an ad site that's considered adware by my firewall vendor.

i didn't have to disable any firewall or anti-virus to play the beta, so idk what you are talking about


Dec 4, 2009
But there is the problem. If you want the content while the game is still fresh it might as well come as part of the base game.
Months down the line maybe, but one month after launch?

It already is part of the base game, they just tear the base game into pieces to charge you more.
This is gaming business. To many people are o.k. with spending vast amounts of money on games that if they actually had a little patience they could get for half price or less and ruin the scheme altogether.

Agreed. I can wait and save some money. Maybe take that and go have some fun in real life.


Nov 8, 2010
People like me got the game for free with a new GPU purchase. If I like the game, I might spend money on it, but I wasn't going to buy it to begin with, so they need to release some new content timely if they don't want the freeloaders to move on.

Josh Ledger

Jul 22, 2015
For all the complaining I've seen about DLC recently, I would point out Star Wars Battlefront (EA), Rainbow 6 Siege (Ubisoft), and Witcher 3 (CD Projekt Red), all of which featured large amounts of free DLC... so it would seem that things are actually changing for the better. But go ahead, keep up the fear-mongering.


Mar 26, 2002
I don't buy Ubisoft games since they started forcing you to use UPlay... which requires you to open your firewall to an ad site that's considered adware by my firewall vendor.

i didn't have to disable any firewall or anti-virus to play the beta, so idk what you are talking about

Wow clearly that means there's nothing wrong... after all... your firewall must be entirely comprehensive and state of the art right?

I use a deep packet inspecting UTM firewall... it's a business product and has a lot of features not seen in consumer grade firewalls(that's assuming you're not just using the firewall that came with your $99 router or worse yet the one on your PC).

Just because your firewall doesn't block it doesn't mean it's not a problem. The 'uPlay required' domain my firewall blocks drives the popup ad's on uplay... it's not considered malware but rather adware. When I pay for a game the last thing I want to do is be forced to open my network to a site that spams ad's to be able to play it.


Nov 20, 2011
All the things mentioned in the DLCs should have been included with the original game, DLCs kill the multiplayer experience by slowly wittling down the players that can play. Bad enough the gaming industry divides all gamers by system. Star Wars Battlefront a good example.

Free content at no charge is great. Not a month or two after launch. Shelling out content that probably should have been in the base game under the pretense of "Extra content for free" is like buying some trail mix but theyll give you the peanuts later, and you have to pay for the M&Ms.


Nov 1, 2010

Free content at no charge is great. Not a month or two after launch. Shelling out content that probably should have been in the base game under the pretense of "Extra content for free" is like buying some trail mix but theyll give you the peanuts later, and you have to pay for the M&Ms.
Alright, but is two months really something to complain about? There will be plenty of things to do without the updates. The only reason someone would think it was an actual issue is if they were looking for something to complain about.


Jan 22, 2016
What happened to gaming?
The game hasnt even launched and free (and paid) DLC is already slated. The game will only be out for a month before new content is added, then more the next. Why not just put this in the actual launch title?
I dont mind spending money on content, but not this early on. Games like Starcraft and Diablo did this well. SC2 has 3 expansions (note: not DLC) that actually added valuable aspects to the game. Same for Diablo 3. Its only expansion more than doubled the amount of game play (plus countless patches that add content larger than these DLC).

Say what you might, but I for one am dissapointed.

It's the same strategy that Bungie did with Destiny, they knew if they handed all the content at once, players would just rush trough it and the game would have died like 2 months after release. Instead, they release free/paid dlc to keep the player waiting for more content, and plus, they win some more $$$


Feb 7, 2012
I wish there was some kind of law to prevent devs from striping content for the original game to sell as DLC. Because having to fork out a nother 50 bucks three weeks after i just spent 80 on the game is BS

This is free enterprise. As much as I agree, I certainly don't want a law.
This is gaming business. To many people are o.k. with spending vast amounts of money on games that if they actually had a little patience they could get for half price or less and ruin the scheme altogether.

Gamers don't even have the patience to play the games. They give it about a week before the next big release comes out and they move on anyway. You spend $50 - $100 on a game people play for less than 20 hours.


May 15, 2008
To those saying DLC helps the game last longer. Maybe the problem is simple games now days are sub par? look at Diablo 2... that game lasted YEARS with a single expansion. Sim City!! Another game that has been around in one form are another... the Sim's sure there where expansions ... Original world of Warcraft!. There where expansions but no DLC... then there was Games like Tomb Raiders! Siphon Filter, etc... that where amazing games... what I am getting at is if a game gets boring after you beat it and it only took a month of casual gaming to beat. The game might simply be sub par. Thats the case don't buy it! force creators to make decent content. Instead of just buying anything that released cause its suppose to be a AAA title!.
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