Ubisoft Officially Releases Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

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AMD gave me this for free because I brought a 7970 a month or two ago and got the never settle reloaded bundle thingy and this was added to it
nice one AMD 😀
I own this game. This game is amazing. Now don't get me wrong is the npcs you kill dumb as a box or rocks yep. No real strategy you fire a weapon it pulls the whole room to you. They will fire at anything that moves. Beyond this. The game knows not to take itself seriously. In Fact think of it as a summer blockbuster movie. No substance but all joy. Thats what this is.
i really how the month+ this game was out for pirates doesnt negitivly effect the future of games like this...
seriously, i wish they released it back when it was found to be done. at least for the pc... why is it that the pc has to be held back (not graphicly, but the game is done and not released) because of the retarded way the consoles works.
Thinking this was a joke, I completely ignored it; who would make a retro game where every game developers are hooked into zombies?
Been playing it for a couple of days and although it's an 80's themed game, it also reminds me of the 90; RoboCop, Rambo, Jurassic Park...
The environment is swimming in neon so I don't think if my eyes could stand a 5 hour straight play. And for gamers who need a walkthrough, here's one for gamers' delight: http://www.cheatmasters.com/blog/2013/05/02/far-cry-3-blood-dragon-guide/
It looks like a great game! Too bad me, and many other people who pre-ordered or bought the game through Steam, can't play it. Ubisoft isn't even giving away support tickets anymore. Tom's should do an article on how hard they are failing, and why extra layers of DRM (in the form of Uplay) are terrible and developers should stick to distribution methods that work (like Steam, most of the time).
Checkout the Ubisoft support stream on facebook:
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