Please can someone write an automated script that uninstals all of the ad/ web result crap, currently it takes a few commands and I want something where I can just double click and have that crap removed.
Or if possible, have someone else release ubuntu builds with the ad crap removed.
the results are crap, the unity UI sucks as it makes it hard to deal with multiple windows of the same application, eg multiple office documents or multiple browser windows.
It is annoying getting a new version of ubuntu and having to run more and more commands to make the OS work properly. (eg installing gnome, getting rid of the unity crap, fixing the search and a few other minor fixes
I don't want crap where a mistaken click can cost you money (almost as bad as tmobile and verizon where with the old bar and flip phones, there was a button that automatically launched browser, making it so that once you hit the button, it would automatically cost you like $1+ since they build per MB and a single byte is all it takes.