Ubuntu Edge Smartphone Campaign Ends $19 Million Short

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come on people, donate! You know "ubuntu"! That should have been their slogan. I have some terrible Thursday humor going on, sorry.
cool idea, cool product but while i support ubnutu i have to say... they are a big enough company that they shoudl not be crowdfunding products. crowd funding is suppossed to help a buisness by saying hey... i am going to buidl somethign cool or open a cool service but need start up funs so here is somethign cool for a better price than i plan on sellign it... win win but when larger companies do it as a way to presell products and already have a proft when a product is release it means there is no risk, wha tif this would have done great if released on the marke tbut that peopel were just not willing to risk losing money or haivng a sub par product... r and d is risky but don't put its faith in consumers being willign to front you the money fo rit, that is just bad buisness
This seems to be a growing trend in the tech and software industry. They come out with crowd funding campaigns asking for over 1 million dollars and they fall flat on their face. I think that campaigns with higher budgets only lead to bigger disappointment.
Linux and out of touch seem to go hand in hand unfortunately.

What Ubuntu should have done was create a demand for a true smart phone Linux OS by producing ROMs targeted for the top selling phones. Who wouldn't want to be able to run Aircrack on their Galaxy S4? CyanogenMod has over 3 million active users, and that's just a hacked version of Android, not real Linux. $32 million would be a piece of cake to raise with that kind of user base. With the interest Ubuntu could generate from ROMs, they would have phone manufactures lining up around the block.

All Ubuntu would have to do would be to promote an OS that is built to withstand government intrusion, not aid it like Google and Apple do, and they would have a gold mind.
Are we so naive as to believe this was actually intended to succeed? It was all about raising the profile of Ubuntu and Canonical, and it was a big success in that regard.

Fair play to them.

Nobody wanted the Edge for the software. It's the hardware that made it attractive. The software was always going to be available anyway.
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