Ubuntu help on vista machine please!


Dec 24, 2008
I have a computer that uses a 30gb ssd has the vista boot drive, all thats on it is vista and its stuff, and i want to put linux on my storage drive, a 1tb seagate drive...
i installed linux but when i boot i never get a menu that lets me boot into linux...?
did i install the GRUB bootloader in the wrong place? i put it in hd0 or whatever it gave me when i installed ubuntu...
thanks in advance
You can install GRUB onto the 1TB drive and set your BIOS to boot from the 1TB drive first or you can install it on the SSD.

Go to Applications, Accessories, Terminal

sudo su -

/sbin/grub-install /dev/sda

Replace /dev/sda with the actual drive you want to install it on.

GL :)
im going to have to try and reinstall it, cuz i cant get ubuntu to boot...
so when it asks me where to install the bootloader... where do i put it?
on (hd0), swap area, or whatever? i am new to linux, and i want this to work...
thanks for the help
You don't have to re-install.

Boot from the live CD, go to Applications, Accessories, Terminal
sudo su -
/sbin/grub-install /dev/sda
/sbin/grub-install /dev/sdb

Install on both, that should fix it.

You may need to reconfigure your BIOS to boot from the 1TB drive.

GL :)
i already have to boot from the 1tb hdd first, cuz theres a vista boot file on it or something, idk why, it was just made me put it there when i installed vista...
ok, im going to try that now

/sbin/grub-install /dev/sda should fix it then :)

Your 1TB drive should be /dev/sda.

fdisk -l will show the drives and partitions.

GL :)
ok, i type in fdisk -l and it says "cannot open /dev/sda and cannot open /dev/sdb..
and when i type in fdisk it comes up with a whole menu of stuff thats very confusing to a long times windows user... =/
ok, i couldnt get that to work, it still wouldnt install anything... so i am reinstalling it...
at the prepare partions screen, what do i need to do? how many partions do i need? and where do i put the bootloader??
Backup important data.

The process goes like this => http://www.informit.com/articles/a [...] um=2&rll=1

Select partition manually, make sure you select the correct hard disk and create 2 primary partitions.

1st partition PRIMARY ext3 256MB /boot

2nd partition PRIMARY ext3 100GB or more /

3rd partition PRIMARY SWAP 4GB no mount point - swap

Optional 4th partition PRIMARY ext3 if you want to use it with Ubuntu or NTFS if you want to use it with Vista.

Install the GRUB boot loader onto /dev/sda ( 1TB drive ).

thank you very much, i have ubuntu installed and working great now! :) it is downloading 260 updates right now... haha
oh and i may need help on getting my drivers for my ati radeon 4870 working on ubuntu... =/
ok, i got the ATI drivers working :) now ubuntu looks amazing...
but as always with computers, now something else is wrong
vista wont boot up anymore, it says NTLDR is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart... 🙁 🙁
i have tried repairing vista with the installation cd, but it doesnt find any problems to fix... so idk, its typical vista problems i guess, it seems to freak out whenever i do anything... i think if i cant get it fixed, im going to have to uninstall ubuntu, and then fix vista or reinstall it...
what do you think i should do?
i cant find anything helpful on the internet...
thanks in advance